Exquisite Red Roses Bouquet
Introducing our captivating Red Roses and Gypsophila Bouquet, a stunning ensemble of passion and purity. This elegant arrangement blends the classic allure of vibrant red roses with the delicate charm of gypsophila, creating a harmonious symphony of love and grace. Perfect for expressing heartfelt emotions on any occasion, this premium bouquet is meticulously crafted for a timeless and enchanting presentation. Elevate your gestures with the beauty of these blooms, symbolizing love and purity in one exquisite arrangement.
€ 142,00 -
€ 303,00
incl. VAT
Please choose your desired size
Delivery date
Same-day delivery guaranteed if ordered until:
- Austria: Order entry on weekdays until 14:00 h
(on saturdays until 11:00 h)
- For orders to abroad generally until 11:00 h (order entry)
No deliveries on Sundays and Holidays.
(Exceptions: Valentine's Day and Mother's Day)