• Media 1 - Parisian bouquet
Parisian bouquet +
Color of product may differ slightly from picture; price variant «Standard».

Parisian bouquet

The Parisian bouquet are flowers which are on the top of the list of the most frequently ordered at our company. The magical colours of this charming composition will enchant any addressee. Order roses, carnations and oxeye daisies in a colourful paper and surprise your close one.

€ 58,00 - € 92,00 incl. VAT

Please choose your desired size

Delivery date

Same-day delivery guaranteed if ordered until:
  • Austria: Order entry on weekdays until 14:00 h
    (on saturdays until 11:00 h)
  • For orders to abroad generally until 11:00 h (order entry)

  • No deliveries on Sundays and Holidays.
    (Exceptions: Valentine's Day and Mother's Day)