Sunny years bouquet
Would you like to send some sunshine to the people you love? By ordering flowers online you will do it in an effective and simple way. The bouquet in which yellow oxeye daisies, gerberas, carnations and tea roses play the first fiddle is the best way to express your feelings! Present them to your close one and you will be bonded for many Sunny years.
€ 58,00 -
€ 88,00
incl. VAT
Please choose your desired size
Delivery date
Same-day delivery guaranteed if ordered until:
- Austria: Order entry on weekdays until 14:00 h
(on saturdays until 11:00 h)
- For orders to abroad generally until 11:00 h (order entry)
No deliveries on Sundays and Holidays.
(Exceptions: Valentine's Day and Mother's Day)