The FTD Instant Happiness Bouquet
It's impossible to feel blue when you have gerbera daisies in your life! The happiest flower on earth, coral gerbera daisies mingle with coral roses, perfectly accented by an artist's hand with peach hypericum berries, tropical leaves, and curly willow tips arranged beautifully in a dark stained woodchip basket. Professionally arranged and delivered by a local florist in Mexico
€ 57,00 -
€ 87,00
incl. VAT
Please choose your desired size
Delivery date
Same-day delivery guaranteed if ordered until:
- Austria: Order entry on weekdays until 14:00 h
(on saturdays until 11:00 h)
- For orders to abroad generally until 11:00 h (order entry)
No deliveries on Sundays and Holidays.
(Exceptions: Valentine's Day and Mother's Day)