Amour exceptionnel
Discover Amour exceptionnel, a bouquet of rare elegance that epitomizes refinement. This masterpiece combines intense red roses with subtle touches of eucalyptus, creating an ensemble both majestic and timeless. Perfect for celebrating deep, heartfelt love, Exceptional Love is the ultimate declaration of passion. Offer this bouquet for an unforgettable gesture that will leave a lasting impression on hearts and minds during the most precious of moments.
€ 203,00 -
€ 303,00
inkl. MwSt.
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- Österreich: Bestellungseingang werktags bis 14.00 Uhr (samstags bis 11.00 Uhr)
- Ausland: Bestellungseingang in der Regel bis 11.00 Uhr
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(Ausnahmen: Valentinstag und Muttertag)