• Media 1 - Mysterious garden composition
Mysterious garden composition +
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Mysterious garden composition

Only Poczta Kwiatowa can fit the entire charm of summer-flowers in one basket. Present these flowers to a special person and make it a special day. Who would not appreciate the charm of sunflowers with rowan? Who would not be astonished by dahlias, golden rods and red roses? If you would like to present somebody with a smile- this is the composition you are looking for.

€ 88,00 - € 149,00 inkl. MwSt.

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  • Österreich: Bestellungseingang werktags bis 14.00 Uhr (samstags bis 11.00 Uhr)
  • Ausland: Bestellungseingang in der Regel bis 11.00 Uhr

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    (Ausnahmen: Valentinstag und Muttertag)