The FTD Daylight Bouquet
Mini sunflowers catch they eye with their alluring brown centers and bold yellow petals surrounded by yellow roses, yellow button poms, yellow solidago, bupleurum, and lush greens gorgeously arranged in a green swirled glass vase to make this bouquet pop with its vibrant colors. Full of energy and warmth, this flower arrangement is set to create that perfect thank you, birthday, or congratulations gift. GOOD bouquet includes 11 stems Professionally arranged and delivered by a local florist in Mexico.
€ 67,00 -
€ 107,00
inkl. MwSt.
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- Österreich: Bestellungseingang werktags bis 14.00 Uhr (samstags bis 11.00 Uhr)
- Ausland: Bestellungseingang in der Regel bis 11.00 Uhr
Keine Lieferungen an Sonn- und Feiertagen.
(Ausnahmen: Valentinstag und Muttertag)